Forest Park Nature Adventure Activity Guide

“Forest Park Nature Adventure,” is a family-centered activity guide created and designed for Forest Park Conservancy, a Portland-based non-profit organization with a focus on trail maintenance, native habitat restoration, and community appreciation and future stewardship of Forest Park in Portland, Oregon. It debuted in June 2022 as part of a Family Weekend event in the park.
“Forest Park Nature Adventure” is a six-page guide that takes the concept of a “scavenger hunt” and guilds on it to create an interactive, multi-sensory, place based guide.
The project is designed for families new to Forest Park and for regular visitors alike, with broader goals of fostering connections and a sense of stewardship, educating families about the park’s ecosystem, and introducing families to common native plants found in the park.
Some key features that we developed for this project include:
Three trail maps - Upper BPA Trail (see above), the Lower Macleay Trail, (see above), and the Cannon Trail (not pictured). All of these trails are 2 miles or less, and each features a variety of native plants. Each is located in a different part of the park.
Activities for use anywhere in Forest Park on the themes of “Forest Floor” and “Forest Canopy" One of our goals for these pages was to highlight some of the ways that the forest operates as a dynamic living ecosystem.
Multi-sensory activities to support and encourage different kinds of learning and engagement.
Trail tips, guidance for volunteering and other forms of stewardship, and a land acknowledgement